Konstfacks bibliotek

Housing After the Neoliberal Turn
Komihåglistan är tom
Titel och upphov
  • Housing After the Neoliberal Turn
Utgivning, distribution etc.
  • Spector Books 2015
  • 2015
  • Språk:
  • 9783959050487
Antal i kö:
  • 1 (0)
*000                 5
*020  $a9783959050487$cSEK 178,72
*100  $aFezer, Jesko
*24510$aHousing After the Neoliberal Turn
*260  $bSpector Books$c2015
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The housing question is a universal question. Everywhere, it speaks differently but directly to the challenges that define our times: social inequality, ecological crisis, displacement, asylum, migration, and privatisation. The volume International Case Studies brings together contributions from Delhi, Hong Kong, Berlin, New York, London, and other cities around the globe. Its formats range from architectural research to literary and artistic projects.

The Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin) project Wohnungsfrage investigates the fraught relationship between architecture, housing, and social reality in an exhibition of experimental housing models, an international academy, and a publication series that examines various options for self-determined, social and affordable housing. This publication series presents key historical works accompanied by new commentaries, contemporary case studies from around the world, and publications by activists concerned with urban policy issues, architects, and artists.

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